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Malaria ( Causes, Symptoms, Prevention )



Malaria is a mosquito-borne blood disease which can be life-threatening if left untreated. It is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium. The bite of female Anopheles mosquito is responsible for the transmission of malaria in humans. Plasmodium is of more than 100 types, out of which five are the most common and are responsible for causing malaria.
After entering the human body, the parasite gets matured and multiplies in the liver. It then destroys the red blood cells. Malaria cannot be transmitted from one person to another. However, Malaria can be passed on from the mother to the newborn baby and this is known as congenital malaria.

Till now there is no vaccination available to protect us against the disease. Malaria can be treated easily and the treatment is simple and more effective if diagnosed early. Malaria is common in subtropical and tropical regions as the parasite that causes it is more concentrated in these regions. 

The symptoms of malaria are similar to that of flu. There can be two types of malaria: uncomplicated and severe. Uncomplicated malaria is when it is diagnosed even before the symptoms appear and in severe cases, there can be a failure of the vital organs of the body. 

In an uncomplicated situation, the symptoms appear for six to 10 hours every day and they can differ in cases of being attacked by different parasites. Often, the symptoms may be misinterpreted as they are similar to that of cold and flu, thus, delaying the diagnosis.

Malaria can be easily detected by blood test and treated with medicines. But if not paid attention to and left untreated, it can lead to life-threatening complications. 

Malaria causes

When a female Anopheles mosquito infected with Plasmodium parasite bites one, it causes malaria. Plasmodium bacteria are of more than 100 types but only five of these can infect humans. These are found mostly in tropical and subtropical regions. The severity of malaria is different in cases of all the five types of plasmodium. The five types of plasmodium that can infect humans are Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi. Plasmodium falciparum is mainly found in Africa and is the most dangerous one. Malaria caused by it can even cause death. Plasmodium vivax is also very dangerous as it can stay in the liver for up to three years and lead to relapses.
No human being can pass malaria on to another in his everyday life except an infected mother who can pass it on to her newborn. This is called congenital malaria.
If an uninfected mosquito bites an infected person, then it will also get infected and will give this infection to all other persons it bites. This is how the infection spreads.
After entering the bloodstream, the parasite travels to the liver where it grows and multiplies before entering back into the bloodstream. The infected blood cells burst at the intervals of 24-48 hours and keep releasing more parasites till an effective treatment is administered. The bursting of these infected cells shows symptoms like chills, fever and sweating.
Malaria is caused only when an infected mosquito bites you. When it comes to its transmission, it can only happen through blood, so some cases of transmission can be organ donation, blood donation or use of an infected needle.

Malaria symptoms

Symptoms of malaria can take around seven to 18 days to appear after the mosquito bites. This duration depends upon the type of Plasmodium parasite that has infected the person. In case of Plasmodium vivax infection, the symptoms may take more time to show up. But you will be shocked to know that sometimes, it can take up to one year for the symptoms to appear.
In some types, the fever occurs in the cycle of 24 to 48 hours. When this happens, you have high fever followed by chills, sweating and fatigue. These symptoms may last up to 6 hours.

The initial symptoms of malaria are flu-like and that is why it is confused with flu. Some initial symptoms are:
- High fever
- Chills
- Headache
- Vomiting
The most severe type of malaria which is caused by Plasmodium falciparum can lead to life-threatening conditions like organ failure.


The treatment of malaria is targeted at eliminating plasmodium parasite from the bloodstream of the patient. This is done through the ACT (Artemisinin-based combination therapy) method. For the regions where the parasite is resistant to ACT, the method is combined with some other effective drug.
No approved vaccination against malaria is yet commercially available in India. The research, test and trials are going on for a global malaria vaccine. At present, more than 20 vaccines are in advanced preclinical development stage. However, Europe has one approved vaccine for protection against malaria.

People who travel to tropical regions should take following measures:
Consume anti-malarial drug before they move there.
- Wear clothes that cover them properly to avoid mosquito bites.
Carry mosquito nets.
- Don’t forget to carry insect repellents, insecticides and pre-treated bed nets.
- Don’t do camping near stagnant water.
- Stay in air-conditioned rooms.
- Use insect repellents that contain DEET (diethyltoluamide) as these are considered to be the most effective.

Myths and facts

Myth: Malaria mosquito bites only at night.
Fact: This is not entirely true. Many recent studies have shown that these mosquitoes are also active during the daytime.

Myth: Once you get malaria, you are immune for lifetime.
Fact: People living in subtropical and tropical regions get malaria multiple times throughout their lives. Children under the age of five get malaria once in every year in coastal Kenya. Scientists have failed to know how this happens. That is why developing malaria vaccine which provides 100 per cent immunization is difficult.

Myth: Eating garlic will keep the mosquito away.
Fact: It is said that eating smelly foods or keeping them with you repels the mosquitoes, but there is no scientific evidence yet to back this up. Rather, one should focus on applying mosquito repellent creams, sleeping under nets and wearing clothes that cover them properly to avoid mosquito bites.

Myth: Mosquito die after feeding
Fact: This is absolutely false. Female mosquito feeds on blood that it needs to produce eggs. So, female mosquitos suck blood and then wait for two to three days to lay eggs. It can lay 50 to 200 eggs at a time. If left in open environment, a female mosquito lives up to two to three weeks and in a laboratory; it can survive for more than a month after feeding.

Myth: Malaria mosquito can only bite humans
Fact: Malaria mosquito, and for that matter any mosquito, bites both humans and animals. This is why one method of prevention against malaria and a malaria controlling strategy is to give insecticides to animals.

Myth: Malaria is not fatal
Fact: Malaria can be fatal in many cases. If it is caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the chances of the infection being fatal shoot further up as it may lead to organ failure.

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